• The Flude Foundation

    The Flude Foundation is focused on the development of a conceptual framework for the implementation of a commercial and community plan which, by the effective use of humanistic philosophies and understanding, as well as the effective use of intervention programmes of similar values, aims to support the development of micro, mezzo and macro societies into self dependant communities.

    Welcome to the Flude Foundation

Welcome to the Flude Foundation

  • Commerce and community working together to exceed expectations
  • A conceptual framework for the development of micro- mezzo- and macro- communities into self sustaining societies

The Flude Foundation, via Atlas business Coaching, Colours Lifestyle Coaching, and The East Midlands Business Group is aimed at providing support and consultative strategic direction, services and regulation to companies and individuals in the East Midlands.

The Flude Foundation views consultation and engagement as part of a strategic continuum of related activities which include

  • Communication - keeping commercial, communal and familial members informed and hearing their concerns
  • Raising awareness, understanding, managing and the resolution of various topics
  • Consultation on specific strategies, proposals or topic research to establish attitudes, preferences, needs and patterns of behaviour
  • Public engagement to ensure people have a say in their future, and to provide the means for ongoing dialogue with accountability to the public
  • Stakeholder engagement as a process of dialogue with the many communities and sectors, including harmonisation and inclusive target groups
  • The ability to work in close contact and partnership with other organisations to deliver shared services and objectives for The East Midlands
  • Local and community based consultation and engagement processes, for example police consultative groups at Local level

Our inclusive approach is focused on achieving a representative picture by removing barriers to participation, ensuring that all voices are heard, and addressing particular needs of people by creation of an understanding of differentiation.

Collectively, and individually, we face the challenge of representing, consulting and engaging approximately 7.5 million people, stakeholder groups and partner organisations.